Thanks for visiting the Official
Anointed Body Cleanser and Healer Aloe Vera Juice
Web Site.
A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice
Ms. Rebecca will be on vacation from August 7-16, 2024. Please place your online order by August 5, 2024.
Shipment will resume on August 20, 2024
Any A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice you may order after visiting our web-site is currently in plant form. A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice is made fresh to order. We do not stock-pile our product and absolutely no preservatives are used.

We grow and harvest all Aloe Vera used in making A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice in Prince William County, VA.
A B C & H Ships Quick
We can process and ship your order within three (3)to four (4) days after we receive your order. Your order will be shipped via FedEx Home Delivery.
Your A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice is manufactured without preservatives, additives or pesticides.
It is our intent that you receive A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice as soon as possible to fully experience the "Fresh Effect" and numerous medicinal benefits of A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice.

If you want to receive A B C & H Aloe Vera Juice sooner than a 2 or 3-Day FedEx Home Delivery call 888-881-5431 Ext 10 and we will make the necessary arrangements.

A B C & H actively participates in efforts to recycle and keep the cost of our products affordable.
By returning the glass jar to A B C & H we will establish and credit your account $3.00 for an unbroken returned gallon jar; $2.00 for an unbroken returned ½ gallon jar and $1.00 for an unbroken returned quart jar. We do not ship Variety-Packs and Pints in glass.
Look around our website and if you have any questions, comments or observations, please feel free to contact us via the Contact Page of this web-site or via phone @ 1-888-881-5431. Ext 1